Bank account opening in Bulgaria for a foreign entity 2018-08-14T14:47:36+00:00

Bank account opening in Bulgaria for a foreign entity

Documents needed from a Client – foreign legal entity:

  • A document/ documents certifying the registration (respectively the permits or licenses for his/her activity if this activity is subject to a permit or license regime) and the certificate of good standing of the facts related to the Client, issued by the competent authorities in accordance with the national legislation which evidences that: the trade name of the Client, the Client’s seat and address of management, individual identification number, the person/s having legal powers of representation and the method of exercising it on behalf of the Client;
  • A power of attorney/ Powers of attorney, if any, whereby the person/persons managing and representing the Client authorize the other person/ persons to open and order transactions with the funds available on the bank account in the name and for the account of the Client. The signature/s of the person/s authorizing others shall be placed in the presence of a person authorized by the Bank for this or shall be certified by a notary public;
  • Specimens of the signatures of the persons who have the right to dispose with funds on the accounts on behalf of the Client. The signatures of these persons shall be placed in the presence of employees of the Bank or be notary certified;
  • Copies of identity documents of the persons who shall dispose with fund on the bank account certified by these persons;
  • A copy of the up-to-date statue/ company agreement/ articles of incorporation of the Client certified with the signature of the representative.

Documents issued by a public authority or certified by a legally capable foreign notary public, should have an apostille, if they are issued, respectively certified on the territory of a country, signatory to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents (published in he State Gazette 45/ 2001); in accordance with an effective agreement on legal assistance between the Republic of Bulgaria and the country where the documents were issued/ certified or certified pursuant to the Rules for legalizations, certifications and translations of documents and other papers, if they were issued/ certified on the territory of a country, signatory to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents or a country with which Bulgaria concluded an agreement on legal assistance.

An official translation in Bulgarian should be enclosed to the documents which are issued and/or prepared in a foreign language